Wedding day rituals of tamilians

The wedding day begins at the crack of dawn. A paste of turmeric ,sandalwood and kumkum is prepared by the sumangalis or married women. The paste will be applied on the bride / groom's face,hands and feet. After the ritual ,bride/groom takes bath in holy water.

This ritual is performed only by the bride. An idol of goddess gowri,who symbolises purity is placed on a plate containing rice and kumkum. The bride performs a short pooja to gowri idol ,wishing for a happy married life.

Bride and groom performs pada pooja to their respective parents by washing their feet,placing turmeric and kumkum.


The bride is then brought in to mandap and the couple exchanges flower garlands as a first step of their wedding. The priest will make them do some rituals in front of sacred fire.


The groom's parents present the bride with nine yard silk saree symbolizing their acceptance of bride into their family. The thaali is blessed by the priest and the groom ties the thaali around the brides neck.


The bride and the groom hold each other's hand and go around the sacred fire seven times. Vedic mantras are chanted by the priest which symbolises the seven sacred vows of marrige . This ritual marks the beginning of the couple's journey as husband and wife.

                                                      DIVYA S



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