The story behind this fstival SAMMAKA SARALAMMA JATARA is quiet interesting. Sammaka was found by hunters as a baby playing among tigers. She was adopted by the head of the tribe and later married a tribal chief under the kakatiya rulers. She fought bravely and caused a lot of damage to the enemy  after her entire family including daughter  sarakka perished in a war with the larger ,better equipped kakatiya army . The kakatiya PM after seeing her bravery and valour ,offers sammakka peace and a position as chief queen ,but rejects the proposal to avenge her dead family. It is said that she disappeared in to forest after being severely injured in battle and promised her people that she will look after them as long as they remember her.

Bathukamma festival indicates the beginning of sarad or sharath Ruthu and is celebrated by hindu women in the month of  september or october just before dussehera. Bathukamma is a flower stack ,arranged with different unique seasonal flowers most of them with medicinal values ,in seven concentric layers in the shape of temple gopuram .During the festival ,women and young girls gather with their bathukammas in an open area ,sing folk songs ,clap,dance ,around them for nine days. On the final day of festival,women carry the bathukammas on their heads to water bodies and immerse them there . It is beleived that the flowers used in the bathukammas have a purifying effect on the water.

                                              DIVYA S


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