Tamil calendar

If you ask a crowd consisting of youngsters from Tamilnadu if they know all the Tamil months, hardly one or two hands will go up.English has become so prevalent in today's world that our traditional Tamil terminologies are taking a back seat.
It is very important especially in today's conditions that we realise the importance of the rich culture we are blessed with before it vanishes from the face of the planet. The Tamil calendar begins on the 14th of April and many cultural,religious and agricultural events are based on the Tamil calendar.

So here is a list compiling the days of the week in the Tamil calendar.
.Kizhamai (Tamil)Weekday (Transliteration)Vaasara (Sanskrit)Lord or PlanetGregorian Calendar equivalent
1.ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமைNyayitru-kizhamaiRavi-vaasaraSun (ஞாயிறு)Sunday
2.திங்கட்கிழமைthingat-kizhamaiSoma-vaasaraMoon (திங்கள்)Monday
3.செவ்வாய்க்கிழமைChevvai-kizhamaiMangala-vaasaraMars (செவ்வாய், Red Planet)Tuesday
4.புதன்கிழமைbhudhan-kizhamaiBudan -vaasaraMercuryWednesday
5.வியாழக்கிழமைvyazha-kizhamaiGuru VaasaraJupiterThursday
The following list compiles the months of the Tamil Calender:

No.Month (Tamil)Month (Transliteration)Sanskrit Name *Gregorian Calendar equivalent
01.சித்திரைCittiraiChaitramid-April to mid-May
02.வைகாசிVaikāsiVaisākhamid-May to mid-June
03.ஆனிĀniJyaishthamid-June to mid-July
04.ஆடிĀdiĀshāḍhamid-July to mid-August
05.ஆவணிĀvaṇiShrāvaṇamid-August to mid-September
06.புரட்டாசிPuraṭṭāsiBhādrapada/Prauṣṭhapadamid-September to mid-October
07.ஐப்பசிAippasiAshwina/Ashvayujamid-October to mid-November
08.கார்த்திகைKārttikaiKārttikamid-November to mid-December
09.மார்கழிMārkazhiMārgaṣīrṣamid-December to mid-January
10.தைTaiPausha/Taiṣyamid-January to mid-February
11.மாசிMāsiMāghamid-February to mid-March
12.பங்குனிPaṅkuniPhalgunamid-March to mid-April



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